Our Winery
Located in the heart of Anogyra village
The Nicolaides Winery is found in the village of Anoyira, Limassol District, on a plateau 400-600 metres above sea level., Traditionally it is a vinicultural area where the earliest Cypriot wine varieties were planted.
Due to the Mediterranean climate, the exceptional ground and climatic conditions of region and the poor lime stone grounds are real gifts of nature for good, qualitative wine. The tradition of family Nicolaides for more than three generations is irretrievably linked with the art of the wine industry, which maintains, promotes and upgrades throughout the years.
In the middle of the century Grandfather Nicolas first worked the vine and traditionally produced wine, ouzo and zivania. These were times when wine presses did not exist and the pressing was done with the feet, known as “patitiri” the transfusions were done manually and the transport of the vintage was in traditional hampers by donkey.
Our History
In 1986 the staff passed to the children of Nicolas, Agathoklis and Chrysanthos. Their first vinification, of only 600 bottles wine, came in the earthen jars of their father. The privately-owned vineyards of 10 hectares, are cultivated and have been substituted with new European varieties. Today, 20 years after the first vinification, 100 thousand bottles, of wine are vinified annually.
The duty to continue the family dream has been undertaken by the younger generation. Nicos Nicolaides, since childhood, had been linked with the wine production. He would go with his grandfather and the rest of the family to the vintage, he watched, helped and more generally learned about the vine and what the wine meant. After his military service he studied in Montpellier, in southern France, where the ancient faculty of viticulture of oenology of the country is found. During his studies he was trained in many of wineries and cooperatives where he was educated in various technical applications of viticulture of
Returning to Cyprus he applied new systems of growing trellis system vineyards while the installations in the wine factory have been modernised with systems of refrigeration, stainless reservoirs of limited volumes, an intellectual wine press and new lines of bottling as well as oak barrels for fermentation and maturation.
As part of the technical and qualitative upgrade the winery has as an advisor for the wines and particulary for the privately-owned vineyards, the French Andre Crespy, Professor of viticulture and engineering of agronomy, who teaches in the faculty of Montpellier.
Over the centuries wine has always been a source of inspiration, its history has admissibly been linked with human development. Scientists accept culture began when the nomadic life ceased and cultivation of crops began. The vine was one of the cultivated plants.
The family Nicolaides “has wedded” the technique of vinification with the art of painting using for its wine labels paintings of the valorise painter John Corbidge who for many years lived and was inspired by Cyprus. When inspiration is combined with passion, taste, experience, and the scientific knowledge, the outcome cannot produce other than quality wines.